Elle – The Incredibles

Noella is honored to appear in Elle’s “Incredibles” list of 50 game-changing, bar-raising, awe-inspiring African woman who are shaping the continent.

Check out the other Incredibles in the August issue of Elle SA.

In 2007, Coursaris Musunka founded Malaika, a non-profit that empowers Congolese communities through free education and health programmes. Malaika’s work impacts thousands of people through a school for girls, community centre and five freshwater wells.

Making it work:
‘I believe in equality between men and women and in equal access to opportunity and resources.’

Being inspired:
‘People who are passionate about what they do and who are courageous enough to fight for what they believe in, no matter their circumstances.’

Building tomorrow:
‘Always have a specific goal in mind. Having that target is what keeps you on track and forces you to think outside the box as to how you can achieve it. Never take no for an answer.’

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